Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Great # 3

Another edublog I want to highlight is also from a teacher who's practice is wrapped with the use of technology in the classroom.

Funny,  I am not sure how these teachers find the time to delve into the "cloud" and provide such great resources and information to us other educators in the world.  I gotta say that I am VERY grateful for them as they have taken out all the leg work for me.  It's just sometimes I feel like I just don't reciprocate the favor and what's worse is, I am not sure how I even could.

While I am thinking about it and trying to figure out a way, please take the time to check out Mr. Richard Byrne's blog and enjoy what he throws at you.  :)

Likewise to my post about Kelly, Richard provides resources and ideas for classroom use including access to FREE technology to use for learning/teaching.  He includes lesson plans, tutorials for google,  provides E-books for teachers,  a link to a list of his own favourite resources, free downloads, and how to create blogs and websites.  All of this is available (as links to pages) even before you hit his first blog post.

He also provides a gadget on his blog to his Facebook page where more than 14, 000 people have "liked" him and his sharing: "Free Technology for Teachers"

Richard's blog is all about sharing.  He shares the information he finds/uses/creates with other educators around the world just for the sake of sharing.  His passion for education is evident and by providing these tools and resources for others, he is helping to change the way students learn and teachers teach.

Here is a like to one of his posts from June:

77 Web Resources for Teachers to Try This Summer

In this posts he has created a PDF file and a Slideshare-type presentation outlining 77 web resources for teachers to try out over the summer and see which ones they like and think would be helpful in their practice come the Fall.

Have fun going through them I hope you find some you like as well.

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